Sunday, December 27, 2009

A Prayer for Christmas

Dear God, Creator and Savior, I, who am the least of thy servants, lift my eyes to the heavens and make bold to sing thy praises.  Throughout the year, but especially at this time when we celebrate your greatest gift to us, I am aware of thy greatness, thy mercy, and thy love.  I thank you for all that is seen and unseen.  Look into my heart and test it for truth and love and worthiness.  Speak to my spirit which honors thee and my soul which is the reflection of your divinity.  Thank you for the sunrise and sunset and the ever-changing moon.  They are the manifest evidence of your creation of our universe.  Thank you for the multitude of graces given us by a father's loving intervention in our lives.  I trust that you will lead me to whatever destination pleases you in fulfillment of your plan for me.  You have read my heart and know what is in it.  I ask thy blessing on those I love....that you grant them joy and peace and understanding.  I offer myself as a sacrifice to that purpose and accept thy will, whatever it may be.  Amen.

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