Thursday, October 8, 2009

Life is a banquet.......

Patrick Dennis' Auntie Mame used to say, "Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death!" Surviving pain, loss, death and disaster can give you a ravenous appetite for life, love, joy and laughter. Just remember, you can starve to death at a banquet if you refuse to eat.


  1. I struggle contantly with my character, my impulses, my instincts. I would try to be whoever I am supposed to be, if I really knew who that is. I have always been so many things to so many people, but now I am in a state of change. I am changing in every way and I have no idea who I will be when I am done. I don't even know if I will ever be done.

  2. I will keep this as a record of my journey. I will withhold nothing. I will lay bare all that I find within myself as I discover it.
    As the morning sun reveals the lines on my aging, unmade-up face, so I will be whoever I really am.

    Today I am amused by life. That may change before the end of the day. This is especially true since I am receiving calls almost every five minutes from a client who has advancing dementia. Sometimes it is more frequent, as in she hangs up the phone and calls back immediately. She verbalizes her anger and I accept it. There is a certain amount of energy transmission involved in both the expression of anger and the acceptance of it.
    I shall probably feel much like the Energizer Bunny by the end of the day.

    Aside from that, I am serene. Imagine that if you can.
